Auto Services
We are here to help you with all your car servicing requirements providing a range of services for all your motoring needs. We recommend having your car serviced every 12 months to identify any potential issues. Thorough, regular servicing can help you save on fuel and repairing bills in the long term.
We are happy to inspect your vehicle and advise you on any potential repair work your vehicle may require.
Regular brake checks are essential for the maintenance of your car. Sudden brake failure can be extremely dangerous, that’s why it is important to have frequent brake checks to assess your brake efficiency. Roughly one quarter of all cars on Irish roads have malfunctioning brakes. Your brake performance will be checked during your NCT so it is recommended that you have your brakes checked twice a year.
The suspension system in a vehicle provides a smooth, controlled driving experience by limiting vibrations from road surfaces.
It is recommended that you have your shock absorbers and suspension checked at least once every 12 months.
Murphy Automotive Ltd. are specialists in the area of clutch, flywheel and gearbox replacement. If you are having problems with a worn Clutch or noisy Gearbox, we are here to help. Our mechanics are highly qualified and have years of experience replacing gearboxes for all makes and models.
Call us today to make an enquiry
Auto Services FAQ
How Often Should I Have My Car Serviced?
At Murphy Automotive Ltd. we recommend bring your car in every 12 months to have it serviced. However, regular servicing could help you save money in the long run.
How Do I Know My Car Needs Servicing?
A couple signs that you may need to bring your car in for servicing range from any dashboard warning lights going on, your car making strange noises which means you may need suspension repairs, or even unusual brake activity.
How Long Do Auto Services Take?
This depends on the type of service you are having done. When you bring your car to Murphy Automotive, the mechanic will be able to tell you just how long the service will take and what they will be doing to your car.